MGI JetVarnish 3D Web

MGI JETvarnish 3D Web

Creaţi efecte uluitoare pe bază de web

  • Soluţie bazată pe internet pentru producătorii de imprimante de etichete şi ambalaje flexibile
  • Pentru aplicarea unei pelicule lucioase cu ajutorul razelor UV in-line 2D şi 3D, aplicarea unei folii embosate la cald, decupare şi tăiere longitudinală
  • Oferă registraţie perfectă, o viteză de până la 42 m/min. şi posibilitatea de a crea diferite grosimi până la 232 microni pentru un efect tactil şi embosat
  • Flexibilitate mai mare, lungimi mai mici ale ciclurilor, timpi de livrare mai rapizi şi personalizare
  • Reglarea automată a asimetriei, alungirii, contractării şi translatării din mers cu MGI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SMARTSCANNER (AIS)
  • Poate fi utilizată folie metalizată, holografică şi colorată cu o lăţime între 100 şi 420 mm
  • Sarcinile, care consumă mult timp şi presupun o pregătire mai scumpă pe echipamentele de decorare tradiţionale, sunt relativ uşor de înţeles şi de implementat
  • Poate fi utilizată hârtie cretată, necretată şi texturată, folie sau etichete autoadezive
MGI JetVarnish 3D Web



MGI JetVarnish 3D Web

JETvarnish 3D Web oferă multiple funcţii, inclusiv…

  • Pictogramă funcţie gestionare medii de printare

    Efecte uluitoare

    Aplică un finisaj lucios cu lăcuire UV şi folie la cald pe materiale cretate şi necretate, materiale sintetice, hârtie şi carton uşor

  • Pictogramă funcţie finisare

    Ştanţă de decupat

    Ştanţă de decupat semi-rotativă opţională pentru finisarea in-line a etichetelor, două cuţite circulare standard, sistem de gestionare a fantelor

  • Pictogramă funcţie utilizare

    Simplitate în utilizare

    Echipament simplu de înţeles, uşor de utilizat şi care presupune mai puţine aptitudini speciale, eliberând astfel operatorii pentru alte joburi

  • Pictogramă funcţie finisare

    Staţie flexo UV complet rotativă

    Staţie inline flexo UV rotativă pentru amorsare şi finisare cu luciu integrală, permite finisarea cu luciu prin raze UV şi cu folie aplicată la cald pe o varietate de substraturi, inclusiv pe materiale necretate

  • Pictogramă funcţie tehnologie

    Tehnologie iFoil

    Înnobilare şi luciu 2D şi 3D digital/variabil, valoare adăugată pentru etichete autoadezive şi ambalaje flexibile, posibilitate de alegere între folie metalizată, holografică şi colorată

MGI JetVarnish 3D Web
  • Pictogramă funcţie sustenabilitate

    MGI Artificial Intelligence Smartscanner (AIS)

    Sistemul de registraţie cu folie aplicată la cald sau finisaj lucios scanează automat fiecare coală şi o compară cu filtrul digital de mascare; fără semne de registraţie, timp şi efort de pregătire redus

  • Pictogramă funcţie finisare

    Dispozitiv de desfăşurare şi înfăşurare rolă

    Lăţime web variabilă, calculare automată a diametrului ruloului, reglarea tensionării, lipire tabele şi multe altele

  • Pictogramă funcţie viteză

    Viteză de producţie ridicată şi calitate perfectă a luciului

    Viteze de până la 42 de metri pe minut, efect tactil şi de embosare de la 7 la 232 microni

  • Productivity feature icon

    Compatibilitate vastă

    Compatibil cu tehnologii de imprimare web-to-web digitale, flexo şi offset

Specificații și descărcări

Specificații și descărcări
System Specifications
Printing Speeds Up to 42m/mn¹ (depending on application).
Supported Web Widths From 100 mm up to 420 mm
Finishing Width The maximum image width is 405 mm
Substrate Types² From 50 up to 400 microns (μm)
Coated, uncoated and textured paper, film or label
Self-adhesive labels
White or transparent synthetics, PP, PE, POPP, PET
Light cardboard/folding carton
Shrink film: PVC, PETG
Wide Compatibility Compatible with the overall web-to-web printing
Technologies, narrow web digital presses and the
traditional offset or flexo narrow web presses.
Unwinder Maximum roll diameter capacity: 850 mm
Standard inside core diameter: 3 inches
Maximum roll weight: ±120 kg
UV Flexo Station An integrated flexo station for full size sleeve coating in
rotary. This station is used to apply a UV protection varnish
or primer prior to finishing. The module comes with an UV
dryer. The station is equipped with an anilox cylinder.
Additional anilox cylinders are available as upgrade options.
Spot UV Coating and
Embossing Station
This station uses MGI award-winning inkjet technology
for producing Spot UV Coating. Any defined label area can
receive Spot UV Coating with or without raised 3D texture
effects. A simple grey level TIFF file designed by Prepress
controls the surface area and the thickness of the
varnish applied over the printed roll. This 100 % digital
process eliminates traditional plates, screens and dies.
Varnish thickness From 7² to 232² μm of varnish thickness
(from 2D flat coats to 3D raised effects).
Inline curing The unit is equipped with an UV dryer and a cooling
drum for optimum web temperature control. The curing
sequence also includes a special forward and backward roll
motion to dry each label and eliminate waste between runs.
UV Varnish Gloss varnish 99 GU
Hot Foiling Station The hot foiling station adds luxurious effects and brand
value to label and packaging products. Any defined label
area can receive digitally-controlled foil with or without
raised effects.
A simple grey level TIF file designed by Prepress
controls the surface area and the definition of the foil
applied on the printed roll. This 100 % digital process
eliminates traditional dies, plates and screens.
Foil application can be bypassed when not necessary.
Foil rolls Foils are delivered on rolls:
Foil widths from 100 mm up to 420 mm
Foil roll core diameter: 1’’ and 3’’
Foil lengths from 400 m up to 2,000 m
Up to 3 rolls can be used simultaneously during
the production
Die Cutting Unit A semi-rotary die cutting unit is available as an
option to finish labels in-line on the JETvarnish 3D
Web. The unit uses a 21’’ magnetic cylinder and an
automatic registering system. 2 slitter knives are
included as well as a matrix rewinder.
format in semi-rotary: 100 up to 480 mm
maximum matrix diameter: 600 mm
2 slitter knives as standard: 10 max
Gap master system for die height adjustment as an option.
Rewinder Servo-motorized unit
850 mm maximum roll diameter capacity
Standard inside core diameter: 3 inches
Maximum roll weight: ± 120 kg
Printing Press
Compatibility List
Digital: Konica Minolta AccurioLabel, HP Indigo WS4500, HP
Indigo, WS6800, Epson, Xeikon, EFI, Durst, etc.
Offset: All manufacturers and technologies: UV, H₂O or
Flexo: All manufacturers and technologies: UV or Water based
Dimensions & Weight 400 V - 3Ph
240 V - 1Ph
Dry air compressor (oil-free): 8 bar/102 psi - 24 m³/h/6 cfm
All speeds are nominal
Available options
Corona substrate
treatment module
In-line system made to optimise varnish
adhesion on complex printed substrates
Variable Data Printing To manage and edit files on the workstation,
Full variable data (text, graphic, image) for both 2D/3D Spot
Coating and Hot Foiling areas,
Integrated barcode (1D/2D) reader system & controller,
Raster Image Processor (RIP) as an option

¹ speed will vary according to printing parameter used
² confirm substrate compatibility with Konica Minolta
³ depending on the configuration

  • The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on applications as well as system configurations.
  • The stated life expectancy of each consumable is based on specific operating conditions such as page coverage for a particular page size. The actual life of each consumable will vary depending on use and other printing variables including page coverage, page size, media type, continuous or intermittent printing, ambient temperature and humidity.
  • Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.
  • Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.
  • Konica Minolta does not warrant that any prices or specifications mentioned will be error-free.
  • All brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.
  • The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on operating systems, applications, network protocols as well as network and system configurations.
  • Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.
  • Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.
  • Konica Minolta does not warrant that all specifications mentioned will be error-free.
  • Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks, of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
  • All other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.